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Korean Battery Recycling Industry in IP Perspective
The explosive growth of the EV battery market means that a huge number of batteries will become unusable within the next 10 years. Tackling the challenge of recycling lithium-ion batteries is critical, both for environmental and economic reasons, and also for reorganizing the global supply chain to become more stable and sustainable. The government sector also is strongly pushing to promote effective battery recycling.
Patent trends in battery recycling technology are an important predictor of future market trends. Our internal patent landscape analysis suggests that Chinese companies currently have a huge lead in patents, but U.S. and European companies are rapidly shrinking the gap, while Korean companies are relative latecomers but are actively seeking to become major players as well.
This webinar will focus on the following key topics:
• Current status and forecast of Battery Recycling business
• IP landscape analysis in battery recycling field (focusing on Korean companies)Presenters
Inchan Andrew Kwon – Foreign Attorney at Kim & Chang
Sung-Eun Kim – Patent Attorney at Kim & ChangInchan Andrew Kwon is a US-trained and licensed patent attorney who advises technology, chemical, pharmaceutical and biotech clients regarding patent prosecution and patent disputes in Korea, as well as related legal issues including trade secrets, licensing, regulatory compliance, and international trade.
Sung-Eun Kim has been involved in evaluating intellectual property protection and in providing strategic advice to clients, specializing in the areas of materials for electronics, such as secondary batteries and OLED materials, polymer science, and fiber science.
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