Showing 65–68 of 83 results

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    Cause Analysis for Performance Degradation of LIBs and Analytical Methods for All Solid-State Batteries

    In Part 1, we showcase the analytical approaches of cause analysis for performance degradation of Lithium-Ion Batteries (LIBs). By the combination of electrochemical and teardown analysis, we’ll get you to find the main cause of performance degradation, and help you improve the materials optimized for the charge/discharge conditions.

    Part 2 covers various analytical methods of sulfide/oxide based All Solid-State Batteries (ASSBs), in terms of composition of solid electrolyte, coverage ratio of coating layer on cathode, and component distribution in cells. In addition, brand-new analytical methods such as in situ SEM will be presented, which will expedite your R&D.

    This webinar will focus on the following key topics:

    • Cause analysis for performance degradation of LIBs
    • Comprehensive estimation of performance degradation, and electrochemical and teardown analysis of LIBs
    • Useful analysis for material development/process optimization of ASSBs
    • Use cases for sulfide/oxide based solid electrolyte, and coating layer on cathode
    • Cutting-edge analytical methods: in situ analysis/micro analysis

    Yasuhito Aoki – Researcher at Toray Research Center
    Masahiro Saito – Researcher at Toray Research Center

    Yasuhito Aoki is a researcher at Toray Research Center. He has been working on material analysis of battery related materials using Raman and infrared spectroscopy.

    Masahiro Saito is a researcher at Toray Research Center. He has been working on material analysis of sulfide/oxide solid electrolyte using surface analysis (mainly RBS/NRA).

    Toray Research Center, Inc. is a proud sponsor of this event.

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    Fundamentals of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy and Application to Li-Ion Batteries

    Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) is a high-information content technique that provides insight into complex systems. EIS has gained tremendous popularity since innovation with the line of Frequency Response Analyzers from Solartron Analytical – but remains intimidating to many users. Join this webinar to gain confidence in your understanding of the technique itself and its application to the Li-Ion battery activity chain. EIS is used to: 1.) study diffusion characteristics and SEI formation during material development, 2.) identify degradation modes, ESR, State-of-Charge during cell characterization, and 3.) rapid grade State-of-Health during modules evaluation.

    This webinar will focus on the following key topics:

    • Fundamentals of data acquisition and data analysis of EIS
    • How EIS theory is applied in practice by beginners and experts
    • The value of EIS as a tool in evaluation of Li-ion batteries
    • How AMETEK’s portfolio meets uniquely defined needs at different points of the value chain

    Rob Sides – Applications Architect at AMETEK

    Rob Sides presents here as part of AMETEK, a global enterprise supporting electrochemical research through its Princeton Applied Research and Solartron Analytical brands. He joined AMETEK after achieving his Ph.D. from University of Florida in 2005, where he authored several original research papers, presentations, invited reviews and book chapters on the fabrication and characterization of Li-ion battery electrodes using DC and EIS-based methods. At AMETEK, Rob has held several roles across different functional groups of Applications, Sales/Marketing and Product Management. His background provides a depth and breadth of experience to present both fundamentals and solutions to the most challenging problems.

    AMETEK is a proud sponsor of this event.

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    Passive Mitigation of Thermal Runaway Propagation in Dense 18650 Lithium Ion Cell Assemblies

    Utilization of lithium ion batteries (LIBs) in various applications has been growing exponentially. LIBs offer some distinct advantages including high energy density, outstanding efficiency, long lifespan, and fast charging capability. Probably, the main disadvantage of LIBs is that a small deviation from normal operating condition may result in rapid self-heating accompanied by ejection of large quantities of flammable materials, which can cause fire or explosion. The failure process becomes more dramatic when many cells are arranged in large arrays in order to fulfill the power requirements by most of applications. Failure of a single cell can release sufficient energy to trigger failure into adjacent cell, which subsequently propagates throughout the entire array. In this webinar, a set of passive strategies to mitigate failure propagation will be presented. The dynamics, heating rates, gaseous emissions, and energetics of thermally induced thermal runaway propagation in dense arrays consisting of 12-15 fully charged 18650 lithium ion cells have been quantified to determine the effectiveness of these passive mitigation strategies.

    This webinar will focus on the following key topics:

    • Thermal runaway in lithium ion batteries
    • Thermal runaway propagation in lithium ion battery packs
    • Hazards associated with failure propagation
    • Passive mitigation strategies

    Ahmed Said – Postdoc Fellow, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

    Ahmed Said is a post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Fire Protection Engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. He Obtained his PhD from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Maryland, College Park, in 2020. He is broadly interested in fire and combustion science problems. More specifically, his research is centered on thermal and fire safety of energy storage systems, material flammability, fire spread on façade systems, and wildland fires.

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    Electrode Damage Characterization in Li-Ion Batteries Using Raman Spectroscopy

    While Li-Ion battery technology has continually advanced to provide cells that are smaller and more powerful, compromised safety concerns due to physical damage are always present. Physical damage to a Li-Ion battery can significantly affect its operational performance, causing accelerated degradation and capacity fade. Damage to electrodes and removal of active material lead to microstructural changes in electrode material and unbalanced current distribution, causing polarization in cells. This work focuses on characterizing the effects of partial nail penetrations on electrodes in cells that continue cycling after being damaged by using Raman spectroscopy and incremental capacity analysis. This helps to determine the type and extent of damage to the electrodes over the course of their abbreviated lifetime.

    This webinar will focus on the following key topics:

    • Dynamic impact testing of prismatic Li-Ion cells
    • Raman spectroscopy analysis for anode damage characterization
    • Increased polarization due to unbalanced current distribution
    • Accelerated degradation caused by physical damage
    • Incremental capacity analysis to determine mechanisms of aging

    Casey Jones – Ph.D. Candidate at Purdue University

    Casey Jones is a PhD student in the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics at Purdue University, where he works in the Interfacial Multiphysics Laboratory for Dr. Vikas Tomar. His research focuses on destructive testing of Li-ion batteries and the characterization of the effects on cell operation and is funded by the Office of Naval Research. Prior to studying at Purdue he served in the US Navy as a nuclear electronics technician aboard a fast-attack submarine based in Pearl Harbor, and received his BS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Hawai’i at Manoa.

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